
Tibia 7.4/ Tibiantis notes

by Tarsal.


Table: Class stats comparison

HP regen
Mana regen
Base HPBase manaBase capacity
Knight15525600/ 90030065-5270
Paladin101520450/ 600450/ 600105-85310
Druid/ Sorcerer53010300600/ 900145-205390
  1. Base HP and mana is the difference between (lv x stat) and actual value. Assumes leaving Rookgaard at lv 8.

Table: Class magic power progression

LevelMagic LevelMagic Power
  1. Typical values used, may vary between characters.
  2. Magic Power represents the 'base power' multiplier.

Class Overviews

This section will give an overveiw of the different classes and their relative merits.


The knight is the most chill and most profitable class to pick, click mobs and collect loot.

The early game is often dominated by training, which is fairly straightforward for knights who will typically train to skill 75-85 before levelling in earnest. There is a view that at higher levels, afk training is too risky and so training becomes less convenient. Skilling adds to attack and defence and is reccomeneded until atleast Magic Level 4 is reached for UH access, which is very powerful even at low levels.

With mid level skills knights are somewhat limited to weaker mobs their hunting choices since many creatures do too much damage or have too high shielding. Nonetheless cyclops and dwarf guards and similar mobs can be good experience and great profit, and there are many places to hunt. After the parcel quest a knight can hunt for many hours between resupply.

In team hunting knights are effective as both a blocker. Knights often heal themselves to allow mages to shoot runes.

On the road to Level 100 knights may afford an SoV or MMS which will significantly boost their defences and modestly boost attack. This reduces UH burn while hunting making them more profitable. The combination of better skill, defences, magic power, and available cash afford knights to use HMM and UHs to effectively fight stronger creatures like dragon lords.

In PvP knight damage is often terrible while their survivability is very high making them get targetted less. They can do decent damage against much weaker opponents who have poor armor or no shield, and in late game runes, exori, explosion and ice rapiers can help somewhat. They do best in a war of attrition as a mage may simply not have enouh runes to take out a well equipped knight and its very hard to combo. They lack instant healing so are vulnerable to paralysis and stacking traps.


The paladin is a strong versatile class that can progress quickly from the start, thanks to their immediate access to their endgame weapon - the crossbow.

The combination of bolts piercing monster shielding, avoiding taking damage, and double speed skill progression significantly reduces the need for Paladins to train distance fighting. It is difficult to train with spears as they need to be picked up and do a lot of damage.

In the mid game they have great damage and can boost with runes where needed. Giant Spiders in the Plains of Havoc are just one example of where their ranged damage shines when paired with speed. DS are a menace for mages and knights but are habdled with ease by Paladins. They are easily the best class to roam with as they can offensively and defensively handle most scenarios.

In the late game they remain strong with bolt damage increases slowly. Paladin HMM + bolts will beat Mage HMM at any level, particularly notable when reaching Lv100 is much easier on Paladins. Around level 100 burst arrows match bolts in damage but they aren't worth it for some time after this.

In PvP Paladins enjoy access to SDs and consistent damage from bolts making them a threat in short and long fights, paricularly against slower opponents. If forced into close quarters against knights they will either take high damage from weapons or need to forego xbow damage. Later on they still have decent damage and survivability with Exura Vita and SD.

Sorcerer and Druid

In 7.4 Mages (Sorcerers and Druids) fit the stereotype of squishy and useless at lower levels and gods at higher levels.
In terms of economy Mages are by far the worst, usually needing financial support from a knight character, credit card, extensive rune farming scheme or monk hire. By the time their power is high enough to break even on hunts they will usually want to be hunting something stronger and end up wasting even more. It could be said that the combination of lower profit and experience (for magic power) for a self funded mage means that Paladins and Knights can afford more damage from runes.

There are no functional wands or rods in 7.4 so mages rely on melee damage, classically rotworms and larvae with a warhammer. There are ways to hunt to get more profit and xp.

In terms of power Mages benefit from the 7.4 mana system where damage is high with no cooldown and some spell costs are low. With a full mana pool there is lots a mage can do.

In the mid to late game Mages start to benefit greatly from burst arrows which allow them to double dip on their magic power each turn and have enough magic power to overcome damage reductions from monster armor.

For most late game mages hunting expense is less of a concern so they can enjoy unrivalled damage output and exp potential.

In PvP mages are the ultimate offensive shooter with some defensive utility. The expense of Sudden Death makes burst arrows easily justified matching or exceeding paladin damage from an early stage. UE in particular can make devastating combos and can break through traps containing weaker characters. Strong haste is very powerful to allow you to engage or disengage quickly, or simply run around the map until your pz is over. Mages benefit disproportionately with level due to their damage for hitting combos, as well as HP, speed and manapool.

Sorcerer vs Druid

Mage progression milestones