
Tibia 7.4/ Tibiantis notes - Creatures

by Tarsal.

  1. Information taken from data files post 7.4 and may have slight innacuracies.
  2. Creature haste is has a range and the maximum is displayed here.
  3. 'Arm + Block' is the average reduction of incoming melee attacks from armor and blocking (shielding).
  4. Attack, Defence, Skill and Armor values can be used in the damage calculator.
  5. Flee HP is the HP below which the monster will flee. When Flee HP = Max HP, the creature will always flee. In 7.4 the monster has a limiting distance it can flee from its spawning point - you may see deer flee only so far. If a monster chases you past this distance it will no longer be constrained and can flee an unlimited distance.
  6. Chance creature will retarget. The frequency that this chance is rolled is to be confirmed but likely to be either once per second or once per turn (TBC).
  7. Distance Fighting will make the creature keep distance from its target (a 3 tile gap). All distance fighting creatures have a retarget chance of 50% and simple strategy - 100% chance to regarget closest. This makes their behaviour consistent.
  8. Strategy decides how creature choses a new target once the target has been lost. The four numbers represent the % chance to:
    1. Target closest.
    2. Target lowest hp (current or max Hp TBC).
    3. Target highest damage (mechanics TBC).
    4. Target random (TBC).