Tibia 7.4/ Tibiantis notes - Creatures
by Tarsal.
- Information taken from data files post 7.4 and may have slight innacuracies.
- Creature haste is has a range and the maximum is displayed here.
- 'Arm + Block' is the average reduction of incoming melee attacks from armor and blocking (shielding).
- Attack, Defence, Skill and Armor values can be used in the damage calculator.
- Flee HP is the HP below which the monster will flee. When Flee HP = Max HP, the creature will always flee. In 7.4 the monster has a limiting distance it can flee from its spawning point - you may see deer flee only so far. If a monster chases you past this distance it will no longer be constrained and can flee an unlimited distance.
- Chance creature will retarget. The frequency that this chance is rolled is to be confirmed but likely to be either once per second or once per turn (TBC).
- Distance Fighting will make the creature keep distance from its target (a 3 tile gap). All distance fighting creatures have a retarget chance of 50% and simple strategy - 100% chance to regarget closest. This makes their behaviour consistent.
- Strategy decides how creature choses a new target once the target has been lost. The four numbers represent the % chance to:
- Target closest.
- Target lowest hp (current or max Hp TBC).
- Target highest damage (mechanics TBC).
- Target random (TBC).