
Tibia 7.4/ Tibiantis notes

by Tarsal.



This page discusses summons in Tibia 7.4 for both PvP and PvE.

The following summons have a common use: Fire Elemental, Orc Leader, Demon Skeleton, Monk, Ghoul, Minotaur Archer.

The following summons have a rare or highly situational use: Orc Berserker, Fire Devil, Hunter, Scorpion, Skeleton, Rat.

You can have a maximum of two summoned or convinced creatures. Summons deal and take full damage in PvP.

Table: Common Summons

Fire Elemental6903052139
Orc Leader6402949129
Demon Skeleton6202847125
Orc Berserker5902745119
Fire Devil5302541107
Hunter (convince)5302541107
Minotaur Archer390203279

General Summons Guidance

Specific Summons Guidance

Fire Elemental

Fire Elemental
Fire Elementals (FE) have tbe highest damage output of any summon and turn the spamming potential of 7.4 creature spells to your advantage. They are also the most expensive summon at 690 mana.

They have bad defence - similar to a dwarf soldier and low HP. They chase their targets which leads to them taking additional damage in PvE. Most of the strongest creatures in 7.4 have fire immunities, except for Necromancers and Ancient Scarabs. Blocking FE in with mages while a knight lures can help keep them under control.

FE attacks leave fire fields which can risk you taking a white skull.

In PvP they are the best summon and can significantly increase your ranged damage output and overwhelm lower and mid level players. Their ranged explosion attack deals 55-155 fire damage with a frequency of 4 and they throw fire fields with a frequency of 3. Damage is not reduced in PvP. Their relatively low 280 HP is vulnerable to single SD shots from even a lv40 mage. Watch out you don't get caught in the fire. The fact they chase their opponent means the target can't escape out of range as easily as a fire devil or hunter.

If a fire elemental can't reach or is chasing its target, such as by being trapped by players, it will cast around twice as frequently. If you are being attacked by fire elementals you can conversely engage at melee range to reduce your damage taken.

Video: 6x Fire Elementals cause chaos in Ab'dendriel (7.6)
Video: Trapped fire elemental attacks faster (Tibiantis)

Fire Devil

Fire Devil
Similar in many ways to the Fire Elemental but with 'ranged attacker' behaviour so they will keep out of harms way (but will only flee from the monster you target). They cost 530 mana, 200 hp and bad defences.

Their fireball attack does 60-95 damage with a frequency of 9 and a 20-60 damage fire explosion with a frequency of 4. Note that this is situationally higher damage than fire elementals due to ranged attacker spell frequencies being higher (TBC). Watch out for collateral damage.

Video: Fire Devil collateral damage (7.4)

Orc Berserker

Orc Berserker
The orc berserker takes 590 mana to summon and is the fastest summon with the strongest physical attack - up to 195.

In PvE its rarely seen due to its high cost and weak defences. It has an immunity to poison.

In PvP Berserkers are both very fast and high damaging, particularly for weakly armoured rune makers, and paladins. Any higher level or prepared opponent will kill them with ease, and with such little HP you will struggle to heal them.

Video: Summoned Berserkers PK in Ab'dendriel (7.4)

Demon Skeleton

Demon Skeleton
Demon skeletons cost 620 mana and are one of the most versatile summons due to their good damage (178), tanky HP and defence, and resistances to Poison, Fire, Life Drain, and Paralyze. They are a little slow.

DS have a close range life drain attack which deals 30-50 damage at a frequency of 10. This is a nice addition where the opponent isn't immune to life drain, such as dragons.

In PvP DS are overshadowed by Orc Leaders who can undertake the same role but are faster.

Summoned DS are used to block dragons, such as at the fast 2x dragon spawn in Ankrahmun. Their higher damage and unblockable life drain attack make up for the lower HP compared to Orc Leaders.

A Druid with 25+4 skill and Hammer of Wrath can hit a dragon with broken shielding as hard as a knight with GS and 68 skill (37 damage/ turn). If the dragon targets a DS and you stand diagonally opposite you will not be hit by the fireball. If your current HP is higher than the DS's current HP the dragon will retarget to you less.

A druid can use spears to increase damage against dragons while DS are blocking. At 26 skill you'd be doing 10 damage per turn to a dragon. This is not a great strategy.

Video: Lv30 Mage hunts Dragons with Demon Skeleton (Tibiantis)

DS can be used against to hunt necromancers, typically used as a blocker while the mage shoots HMM and GFB. DS are immune to necromancer life drain and fire attacks, but will start to take damage if attacked by more than two lesser undead. Attack the ghouls if you can as they will die quickly.

Video: Lv40 mage hunts Necromancers with Demon Skeleton (7.3)

DS allow Mages to hunt Banshees at a relatively low level who's life drain attacks are all resisted by the DS, and their physical attacks deal minimal damage. 2x DS + HMM are enough to overcome Banshee healing. Hunting Banshee in this style is still very dangerous. See Goshnar's video for an example.

Video: Lv80 Druid hunting Banshees with Demon Skeleton (Tibiantis)

DS can, in theory, be used to block ancient scarabs being immune to poison and paralysis but they will still take significant damage from the raw attack power and larvae taking shielding. Each DS will do an average damage of 14 per turn, and take 36 per turn on balance mode and 16 per turn on defence mode. The viability of hunting Ancient Scarabs with DS is yet to be tested.

DS can, in theory, be used to block (not attack) warlocks. They have lower HP and speed than Orc Leaders but the immunity to paralysis helps. Warlocks deal physical damage (blue star attack) which is similar in strength and frequency to a hunters arrow and is blocked by DS shielding. DS is immune to Warlock's fire, life drain, mana drain attacks, though be mindful to not stand diagonal from DS as it will then move adjacent to you and you will be hit with burst arrow damage. Warlock's energy beam attack can be avoided by positioning. Warlock AI is like an orc spearman - they will quickly retarget to the closest target/ player. They will not randomly target another creature.

The main problem with this is to manage the DS's shielding. With DS on defence mode (no target) and no stone golem the DS could last two minutes between heals. But with the stone golem the DS will occasionally break shielding and the DS will take moderate physical damage. Considering the physical damage and mana drain warlocks dish out this may still be desirable. In some areas such as the hero cave warlock you can trap it in the 1sqm gap and prevent the stone golem from attacking. Further testing is needed.

Orc Leader

Orc Leader
Orc Leaders are similar to DS but have more HP (450 vs 400), move 25% faster, have slightly lower armor and attack, and the same blocking. Orc Leaders are only immune to fire.

Orc Leaders have a physical throwing knife attack instead of life drain. It deals physical damage of 50-70 with a frequency of 6. This higher damage is offset by armor and shielding making it lower damage than DS life drain attack. In the scenario where you have two orc leaders breaking shielding these bonus attacks may overall deal more damage.

The main use case for Orc Leaders is against Dragon Lords. Dragon Lords only use fire spells and are immune to life drain so the additional knife damage is useful.

In PvP Orc Leaders have enough HP to allow mages to heal them before they get killed. This can help against lower level knights. They are immune to invisbility.

Video: Lv50 Mage hunts fibula DL (7.3)


Monks are the only summon suitable for PvE hunting that can heal. They also have the strongest defence but a only 240 HP and a weaker attack. Monks heal 30-50 HP every 6 seconds which is 13 HP per turn (needs more testing).

Monks have no immunities which can be problematic even for weaker creatures like scarabs. Dwarf guards and undead are among the best use cases for monks.

Its useful to take advantage of the defensive stance when their HP is low to avoid using healing.

Monks are most often used for training - refer to the page on skills for more details.

In PvP they can be very defensively strong against weaker players who can't overcome their healing or will waste their supplies of runes trying while the summoner only occasionally heals. Their haste spell also helps them chase down their targets.


A budget monk that can be used for training knights even at high skill. For further details see the page on skills.

There may be a way to double a ghouls healing rate by having it target a creature it cannot reach, but this is yet to be tested.

Minotaur Archer

Minotaur Archer
Minotaur Archers deal 45-85 bolt damage with a fequency of 3. They cost a relatively cheap 390 mana to summon.

They are the best summonable ranged physical attacker. With multiple mages each with two summons the damage improves. They can be used with a blocker to allow lower level makes hunt some stronger monsters that are immune to energy and so otherwise expensive to kill with runes. Even with shielding broken they are only doing 28 damage per hit to behemoths.

With 100 HP and no defence they will die if they get sneezed on so try to block them in somehow.


Can be convinced and not summoned for 530+100 mana. Like the minotaur archer but more damage and fire 50% faster. Two hunters will break shielding very often dealing 50-100 damage at a frequency of 2. Spawn locations limits their utility, but PoH would be one option.

Video: Lv107 Knight hunts heroes with 2 hunters (7.4)


A low summon cost of 310 and 315 poison damage total. Could have some use against AFK runemakers.

Rats, Skeletons and Animate Dead

Rats are the cheapest summon at 200 mana. Skeletons can also be created for 150 mana using Animate Dead runes. They have a niche use to break shielding, block areas, set up teleports, etc.